Want to See Batman and Wolverine Make Out? Of Course You Do!

The guys at Blind Ferret welcomed me to their booth at the 2014 Edmonton Expo and we talked about their famously hilarious comic book parody series: Gutters. Writer Ryan Sohmer and artist Lar Desouza tell us how it got started and what they’re doing now. They give their views on how a lot of people in the comic book industry take things just a bit too seriously these days. Gutters is really like the SNL of comics. For the most part, creators from the “big two” (Marvel and DC) see the absolute humor in being made fun of, whereas it can be awkward meeting other creators who may take things just a tad too seriously. Gutters is a great showcase for upcoming artists and Sohmer and the team are cranking up the fun, much to the delight of their fans. 

Sohmer also writes the series Least I Could Do, with Desouza as artist, which centers on Rayne Summers – a guy who pretty much says and does the things that we can’t do. The book is funny as hell and I highly recommend it.

Hit that play button on the Soundcloud link below and enjoy my interview with Sohmer and Desouza.



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