Stone Star Creators Jim Zub and Max Dunbar - Calgary Expo 2019
The written story, as well as recorded interview were done by Chris Doucher, Managing Editor and Writer for GeekNerdNet. (Photo credits to: Charles Cousins and Chris Doucher- *If you would like to use a photo from this post, you must have permission from to do so)
Stone Star creators, Max Dunbar (left) and Jim Zub at the 2019 Calgary Expo. (Photo credit: Charles Cousins/GeekNerdNet)
The following is an interview (audio link below) with creators Jim Zub and Max Dunbar, who took time from their ridiculously busy schedule at the 2019 Calgary Expo earlier this year to talk about their new creator-owned series: Stone Star - via comiXology Originals. This is a pretty damn exciting space fantasy series about a roving gladiatorial arena travelling from planet-to-planet causing chaos wherever it lands. The writing (Zub) and the art (Dunbar) is out of this world (pun heavily intended). You can read the series on comiXology right now (follow the link above: “comiXology Originals”), so go ahead and do that. Later this year, the series will be collected in print form so you can hold this comic in your comic-loving hands.
Zub talks about how he needed to take a bit of a break from doing a creator owned book, but he goes on to say that he couldn’t turn down an opportunity when Chip Mosher approached him about doing a series. As Zub puts it: “I’m not doing any creator-owned books in 2019. I need a rest. I’m just going to ease into a couple of little projects and that’ll be it. And then Chip Mosher from comiXology Originals approached me and he’s like: ‘We really want you to do a book and…get the right artist, the right fit…and Max (Dunbar) and I had already been kind of talking about a couple things, and all the pieces just came together. I could feel the mental shift from: you need a break to wouldn’t it be cool if…? We gotta strike while the iron’s hot, so next thing I knew we were strapped in for another creator owned.”
Zub also talks about the flexibility open to them with a digital-only project. Dunbar explains just how cool it is to be able to create an entire new set of characters and universe from the ground up. The speed of how Stone Star came together and the creative momentum that drove them to crank out this super cool, industrial, rust punk look of a series. Go ahead and hit play on the Soundcloud link below and listen to the interview with Zub and Dunbar.
LISTEN NOW: Select “Listen in bowser” on the Soundcloud link. Depending on which device you’re accessing this interview, you may also click/select the SoundCloud Play button.