Stay Safe Out There Comic Book Fans
Staff writer, Michael Worthan, talks about the need to stay safe right now, and what BINC is doing for comic shops in the United States.
What Happened? The Life, Postponement and Possible Death of the New Mutants Movie
Writer, Michael Worthan, asks: Is The New Mutants movie ever going to be released? Read what he has to say about it.
Grief is a hell of a thing
With the recent death of the legendary Stan Lee, here’s Michael Worthan’s piece on grief.
The "Killed My Childhood" Generation
Michael Worthan has an answer for those who think their childhood has been ruined because a story they love, has been slightly changed.
Editorial - Why are we so angry?
Why are we so angry? With all the great movies and TV shows based on comic books, you'd think we can all just get along and enjoy the ride.
Editorial - The Impatience Of Comic Book Fans
Ever wonder why the "big two" are constantly trying to re-invent themselves? Perhaps it has something to do with the impatience of some comic book fans.
Editorial - Entitlement of the Nerds
Our nerdy pal and staff writer, Michael Worthan, gives you his take on the entitlement of some nerds.